· By Amin Aaser
Announcement: Meet the talented Noor Kids team
Over the last three months, we have been on a talent search, looking high and low, across the globe, to find talented, passionate, and remarkable individuals to join our team. Alhumdulillah, I am extraordinarily proud to present our new team.
With this announcement, we reaffirm our goal to build a constructive identity among little Muslims across the world through Islamic education, parent integration and character role models.
Amin Aaser, Managing Director
Amin is a general business manager with cross-functional experience across finance, marketing, and manufacturing at Fortune 500 companies such as General Mills, Target Corporation, and 3M. Most recently, Amin served on the M&A and Corporate Venture Capital team at General Mills. Amin is currently pursuing an MBA at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. Aside from Noor Kids, Amin loves discovering new hiking trails, practicing his ujjayi breath during yoga, and brushing up his culinary skills to someday compete on The Food Network's Chopped.
Mohammed Aaser, Director
Mohammed is a Minneapolis-based strategist and tech buff. Over the last five years, he has worked hand-in-hand with senior executives at some of the world's largest companies, developing corporate strategies as an Engagement Manager with McKinsey and Company. In 2011, Mohammed graduated with Distinction from Harvard Business School. You can catch Mohammed boisterously laughing on Sunday mornings with a classroom of teenagers as he teaches Islamic studies... and the purpose of life... among other things!
Armaan Siddiqi, Researcher
Armaan is a Bay Area native with both a personal and professional interest in Islam and Islamic pedagogy. Aside from her academic focus on Islamic law and spirituality, she is also passionate about working within the Muslim community—especially Muslim youth, and exploring the dynamics of the “Muslim American” experience post 9/11. She holds a B.A. and M.A. degree in Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies, and is an incoming PhD candidate in Islamic Studies at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University. In her free time, she enjoys traveling abroad, studying Arabic, and exploring the outdoors!
Elizabeth Lymer, Writer
Elizabeth is a prolific children's writer, rhymer, and pancake maker. Most days she sings with her family, often from her books Religious Rhyme Time and Islamic Nursery Rhymes. Almost every day she reads picture books – sometimes using a Welsh accent. She loves to cook Welsh cakes but chocolate is her favorite treat. You can find her on Twitter @elizabethlymer.
Annie Idris, Artist
Annie is an illustrator, artist and designer based in Toronto. She has a background in art, architecture, and landscape from the University of Toronto. She draws traditionally as well as digitally. Her signature style is whimsical and slightly humorous, drawn in watercolor and ink. The theme of her art is based on pop culture and inspirations from daily life. A few of her favorite illustrators are Oliver Jeffers, Mattias Adolfsson, and Quentin Blake.
Mahvish Irfan, Associate Editor
Mahvish is a passionate writer and editor that has served a host of Muslim organizations, including The Muslim Observer (TMO), American Muslim Consumers Consortium (AMCC), and Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). Mahvish is a Rutgers University graduate where she studied Religion, Professional Writing, Business and Technical Writing, and English. All day she wishes the weather was warm in New Jersey.
Sana Aaser, Education Researcher
Sana completed a B.A. in Anthropology at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Currently, she is pursuing an M.A. in Education with a concentration in Equity and Social Justice at San Francisco State University. With her natural curiosity to understand people and their many intersecting identities, Sana applies her knowledge of the social sciences to the field of education, engaging in research, curriculum design, and development. When she is not studying, Sana enjoys hiking in the sunshine, writing creative nonfiction, and experimental cooking.
Shireen Momin, Customer Relations
Shireen holds a BS from University of Minnesota, concentrating economics, entrepreneurial studies and leadership. Prior to joining Noor Kids, Shireen worked in marketing and finance with Target Corporation and Yokogawa Corporation of America. Shireen spends the better part of her days reading, laughing, and playing with her two adorable children, Aasiya and Salman. Each day, Shireen motivates herself by striving to make the world a little better than the day before.