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Safety Policy Overview

Noor Kids Child Safety Policy -  Overview

Our Commitment to Child Safety

At Noor Kids, the safety and well-being of every child we serve is our highest priority. Our Child Safety Policy outlines clear standards and practices designed to ensure that our team members are equipped to identify and prevent abuse, both in physical and digital spaces. We take all steps necessary to create a secure environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive.

Key Policies

  1. Employee & Volunteer Recruitment

    • Background Checks: All new team members must undergo comprehensive background checks, including criminal history, reference checks, and employment verification.

    • Code of Conduct: All employees and volunteers are required to sign our Code of Conduct, ensuring a commitment to safe, respectful interactions with children.

    • Sustainability Agreement: Upon joining Noor Kids, all team members must sign a sustainability form affirming their commitment to child safety.

  2. Child Safety Training

    • Mandatory Training: All employees and volunteers receive thorough training on child abuse prevention, including signs of abuse and neglect, and steps to take if they suspect abuse.

    • Ongoing Education: We continuously update our team on best practices to stay ahead of emerging safety concerns.

  3. Technology Safety

    • COPPA Compliance: Noor Kids adheres to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) to protect children’s personal data and privacy.

    • Online Monitoring: Virtual sessions are recorded, and online platforms are secure, providing a safe environment for children to interact.

  4. Reporting Abuse

    • Clear Reporting Channels: Employees and volunteers are trained to recognize signs of abuse and report concerns immediately. All reports are handled confidentially by the Child Safety Officer (CSO) or other designated staff.

    • Immediate Action: Any concerns of immediate danger will be addressed immediately by contacting emergency services and initiating an investigation.

Our Commitment to a Safe Environment

We believe that every child deserves a safe, nurturing environment where they can feel secure and supported. Noor Kids is dedicated to maintaining a strong, proactive approach to child safety through vigilant recruitment, continuous training, and robust reporting protocols. We empower our staff to uphold these standards and ensure a culture of accountability and care.

For more information or to report a concern, contact the Noor Kids Child Safety Officer (CSO) at support@noorkids.com.