· By Amin Aaser
Teach mindfulness with this “Zen Den” activity
Did you know that our Holy Prophet (SAW) had a zen den? Even before the first words of the noble Qur’an were revealed to him, he used to spend hours in a quiet place a few miles away from Mecca.
This special space was called the Cave of Hira. There, he could take a break from the distractions of life and focus only on Allah (SWT).
Since we follow the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW), we should also have a special space to remember Allah (SWT). Read on to learn how you can create your own zen den, and then share it with us!
Getting Started: Activity Details
Age: This Islamic activity is suitable for 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8-year-olds.
Time: This activity should take roughly 20-30 minutes.
Part One - Explain the Activity
- Share the story of how our beloved Prophet (SAW) used to retreat to the Cave of Hira in order to practice mindfulness.
- Give examples of times in your own day when you take a break and find space to think about Allah (SWT).
- Discuss ideas for creating a space within your home/child’s room that will serve as a “zen den” for the family/child.
Part Two - Get Inspiration
- Check out these inspiration photos to start brainstorming what the zen den could look like.
- You can also do some more research online or in home decor magazines.
Part Three - Design Your Own Zen Den
- Review the following list of tips:
- Remove all screens
- Place something soft at your feet
- Choose earthy colors, and/or light blues and greens
- Keep it simple (furniture, decorations)
- Use soft, natural light
- Use natural scents (calming ones like lavender, jasmine, etc) - electric oil warmers or essential oil diffuser
- Add a plant
- Make it comfy (pillows, blanket, cozy chair)
- Keep things that remind you of Allah (SWT) (prayer rug, calligraphy/art, tasbeeh)
- Place a notebook and pen/pencil for jotting down ideas and thoughts
- Add some natural accents (smooth stones, pinecones, seashells, etc)
- Get a white noise machine (or relaxing sounds like water trickling/bubbling, ocean waves gently crashing, crickets chirping, Qur’an recitation, etc)
- If it’s only part of a room, use light and natural fabrics to create a separation (teepee, curtain, etc)
- Personalize it (things that help you feel calm and happy)
- Keep it clean
- Using some blank paper, sketch out your zen den.
Part Four - Gather Supplies and Create Your Space
- Find things you already own (or make your own DIY projects if you’re feeling inspired!) to add to your zen den.
- Create your space!
Part Five - Share Your Results
Send us a picture or video of your zen den, and we will post it to our social media outlets. Have fun!
Sana Aaser
Education Director, Noor Kids
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