By Mohammed Aaser

What are your Ramadan Goals?

It's amazing how quickly Ramadan passes by each year. In no time, I will go from counting down how many days of fasting are left, to wishing I could have just a few extra days. Making the most of Ramadan is something that I've always had a challenge with, because I feel like I just scratch the surface on personal and spiritual development. It's so easy to just "fast" but I think we have an opportunity to take it further. This Ramadan, I hope that I can do Ibadat throughout the day by focusing 100% on balancing and achieving a few goals:

1) Spend time with my family. I have a number of family members in town since my sister will be delivering soon, inshaAllah. I will be heading to the hospital tonight, and hopefully be meeting a new member of the family. Also, I feel like there is never enough time to spend with my parents, especially since I've been so invested in school and work; I would love to enjoy Iftar with them each night.

2) Read Quran - While I have read the Quran in Arabic, I would like to re-read it in English. I know that if I dedicate an hour or two a day this is very achievable and it can also help me build a deeper connection with my faith.

3) Launch Noor Kids - I have so much energy this month than in prior months, and I hope to use it with Noor Kids. mashaAllah, we have a large group of ambassadors and friends who are sharing Noor Kids, so it makes it easier. I hope that the efforts in this month help build a publication that our future generations will continue to enjoy!

4) Stay healthy - After breaking the fast, I always feel this urge to splurge. Most years I will gain a few pounds (5-10lbs) since I eat so much before bed and my metabolism slows down. I'm trying to run 2 miles right before Iftar and then have a light snack and drink after returning. Its amazing, but running right before Iftar is not as hard as I thought it would be. I then eat a little later so I prevent myself from overeating.

The real test, though, is keeping these practices after the month ends!

Mohammed Aaser - Co-Founder, Noor Kids

What are your goals this Ramadan? Please write them in the comments area below: