From Fresno to Denver to Minneapolis to Hartford, Amin G. Aaser, founder of Noor Kids, has delivered inspiring speeches to children, youth, and parents at Islamic centers, schools, and camps around the country. Amin has experience delivering the following presentations:
I worry about my Muslim child
There has perhaps never been a more challenging time to grow up as a Muslim in North America. And because of this, many parents are concerned -- how will children grow up to be confident in their religious identity? Over the past four years, our team at Noor Kids has researched this question and has discovered three key actions that parents must take in order to ensure their children build a strong Muslim identity. Through a mix of storytelling, academic research, and Islamic research, Amin shares an engaging lesson for parents and young adults.
This lecture is suitable for community-wide audiences, including, parents, young adults, and youth.
The American-Muslim Oxymoron: My Story of Faith
I was conflicted. On the one hand, I was a Muslim born to Pakistani immigrants who thought the American lifestyle was haram. On the other, I was born in Minneapolis where friends thought Islam was terrorism. How could I bridge this divide and live as an American-Muslim? Using a mix of storytelling and Islamic research, Amin shares his inspiring personal story with faith.
This lecture is primarily suitable for youth 15-24 years old. However, it can also be adapted for community-wide audiences, including parents and younger youth.
Story-time with Noor Kids
There is nothing more exciting than seeing a child's eyes light up, witnessing a real-life author read out of a real-life book! Book readings are one of our most fun and exciting events, suitable for children between the ages of 3 and 8.

Amin G. Aaser, 27, began his career in business management, working for Fortune 500 companies such as 3M, Target Corporation, and General Mills. Most recently, Amin served on the General Mills Corporate Development team, responsible for M&A and corporate venture capital.
After his niece was born, Amin discovered a serious need to build constructive identity among American-Muslim children and decided to make a career change, co-founding Noor Kids, a Harvard-supported education technology firm serving American-Muslim children. As of 2014, Noor Kids has published one of America’s fastest-growing Islamic children’s book series with titles in over 25,000 homes across 25 countries. Under Amin’s leadership, the organization has published eight award-winning children’s titles.
In 2010, Amin was elected to the Executive Committee at one of the longest standing Islamic Centers in Minneapolis and served for two years on the board. Over the last four years, he has also delivered weekly courses on American-Muslim identity to 200 teenagers at a weekend Islamic school in Minneapolis. His work has been featured on The Huffington Post, MPR News, PRI's The World, CS Monitor, among others.
Amin is currently pursuing an MBA at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley where he is researching faith-based social enterprises. He graduated magna cum laude with distinction from the University of Minnesota, triple-majoring in finance, marketing and supply-chain management. He lives with his wife, Sana, in Berkeley, CA.