Noor Kids Islamic Learning Adventure

Ages 4-8

Inspire your child to love Islam, one story at a time,
through our fun and educational subscription

Peek Into Our Monthly Activity Book Series

1 First Month: Starter Kit

Everything you need to get started
  • Noor Kids activity book collection box
  • Global Muslim Citizen passport
  • Our latest Islamic activity book
  • Your very first Noor Kids badge
  • Parent’s adventure guide
  • Special note & gift from the author

2 Ongoing Monthly Activity Books

A new Islamic activity book, featuring:
  • Playful stories written by our creative experts
  • Fun-filled activities for children designed by educators
  • Thoughtful discussion questions to inspire children to love Islam
  • Parent’s page that provides overview of topic and lessons
  • Collectable badge for the Global Muslim Citizen passport

Meet the Characters

  • Amin
  • Amira
  • Asad
  • Shireen
  • Name : Amin

    Age : 7

    Siblings : Haseeb (18)

    Favorite Color : Blue

    Salaam! I’m Amin! It’s awesome to meet you! My friend Asad and I, we’re racing, and the first one who can meet a hundred new people wins. I’m winning so far. But I’m good at making friends. Asad is better at other things. My big brother, Haseeb, is the best. He’s friends with everyone. He also plays soccer at college and he’s gotten to lead prayer at the masjid like 50 million times. I think he might be an Imam one day. I got to call the adhan for Jumu’ah one time. It was the best thing ever! People say I’m a lot like Haseeb, but really, I’m not. I don’t think Haseeb ever gets sad or feels lousy and stuff like I do sometimes. I know a secret, though, to never giving up. Like our Prophet (SAW), I have help from my friends!

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  • Name : Amira

    Age : 7

    Siblings : none

    Favorite Color : Yellow

    In the time of the Prophet (SAW), people didn’t have cars or planes or trains, or any way of getting around except by walking. Or by riding on adorable camels, which doesn’t sound so bad in a way, but must have been pretty tiring. So when someone new arrived, people would say, “ahlan wa sahlan,” which means “family and flat land,” because that’s what a tired traveler would want most of all. Can you think of anything so beautiful? Anyway, ahlan wa sahlan to you! I’m Amira!

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  • Name : Asad

    Age : 7

    Siblings : Yusra (1)

    Favorite Color : Green

    As Salaam Alaikum. My name is Asad. Do you like math? If you don’t like it, that’s okay, most people don’t. In fact, a lot of people think I’m sort of a weirdo because I really, really, really like math. But to me, those people are the ones who don’t make any sense, because without math, there would be no science, and without science, we would be in terrible, terrible darkness! We would have no way to understand the beautiful universe Allah (SWT) created! And no one wants that! So if I’m a weirdo because I really, really, really like math, then maybe we need a few weirdos around, right?

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  • Name : Shireen

    Age : 7

    Siblings : Jafar (7)

    Favorite Color : Red

    Salaam! Call me Shireen. Wanna learn to fly? One of my favorite writers, Fatema Mernissi, says there are two steps to growing wings. First, you have to feel stuck. That’s easy, since we all feel stuck, at least sometimes. Then, you have to believe you can be un-stuck. So, what do you say? Wanna fly? I know, I know, it seems too easy. I like the idea of making a big change in a snap, but the truth is that’s not how it works. Big changes take a long, long, long while. But the changes that are the hardest and take the longest to make, they’re the most important ones.

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The Noor Kids Educational Program

Our evidence-based approach to raise confident Muslim kids

Islamic Education
Children must have a strong foundation in their own unique beliefs, values, and history.
Citizenship Education
Children must understand how to interact with the world around them to feel a sense of ownership and belonging.
Character Education
Character serves as an engine that enables kids to grow, even when faced with challenges such as discrimination.
Critical Thinking
Children growing up as a religious minority must understand “why” they believe.
Role Model
Children must have role models that successfully integrate both “Muslim” and “Western” identities.
Parent Engagement
Parents must play a hands-on role in discussing Islam and embodying faith.

Topics Covered in Noor Kids

After conducting robust educational research and analysis of Islamic sciences, our team of educational and scholarly experts have developed the following curriculum to guide Noor Kids. Each month, families receive a new Noor Kids activity book focused on the specific topic.

How it Works

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How it Works

Sign up for your 4-to-8 year old, or as a gift for a loved one

Each month, receive our newest Islamic activity book in the mail

Participate in monthly online storytime + enrichment activities

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