46. No More Mr. Bad-Mouth

46. No More Mr. Bad-Mouth

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We have all come across those who can inspire you instantly with positive words and those who can break you down with their harsh tongues. The ability to speak and capacity for language is one of the greatest blessings that Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon us. But with such a great blessing comes great responsibility. So often, we are guilty of speaking, texting, and posting without thinking, and we are oblivious to the reality that our words have repercussions for ourselves and others.

The noble Qur’an gives us extensive guidance on how we should conduct our speech. After all, “Not a word does one utter, except that there is an (angel) watching, ready to record it” (50:18). Being mindful of what we say is very important, as our tongues themselves will testify on the Day of Judgement. We must avoid negative speech as it is sinful for us and harmful for others.

Not only should we refrain from negative speech, but we should actively seek to speak in the best of ways. When we examine the mannerisms of our beloved Prophet (SAW), we learn that he was never excessive with his words, and he always spoke the truth, with great kindness and thought.

In this book, our first lesson is that in the same way that we must “measure twice and cut once” while building a structure to prevent material issues, we must also “think before we speak” so as to prevent personal conflict. In the first story, Amin realizes the wisdom in this adage while attempting to build a birdhouse alongside Asad.

Our second lesson is related to the effects of our speech. In the same way that a small seed gives life to a tree, words give life to an idea.  Speaking good words can give rise to good ideas and outcomes; however, speaking bad words can have detrimental results. Therefore, we must guard our tongues. In the story, “A Small Seed,” Shireen learns how being thoughtless with her words can hurt her friend.