56. Blessed To Be Me

56. Blessed To Be Me

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Our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW) said the richest person is not one with great wealth but the one who possesses a content heart. To be content is to be in a state of peace, happiness, and satisfaction. The secret to achieving contentment lies in putting our absolute trust in our Creator, who disposes of all of our affairs. Many of us have felt disappointed when things do not work out how we want them to. However, we should learn to accept that Allah's (SWT) plans are best for us, even if they do not align with our own plans and expectations. To be content doesn't mean complacency or lack of ambition. Rather it is accepting the result of the ambition. In other words, we do our best, work hard, and accept Allah's (SWT) decree of the outcome.

To achieve contentment, a true believer not only needs to appreciate all that Allah (SWT) has bestowed on him -- body, mind, faculties, and property -- but also to utilize them towards his real objective, and that is to earn the pleasure of Allah (SWT) and the rewards of Jannah.

In this book, we focus on two important lessons. In the first story, Amira tries to befriend a new student, Hawa. Amira is really impressed with Hawa's artistic talent, but not very impressed with her social skills. Soon she realizes she has misunderstood Hawa, as Hawa is autistic and her brain works differently. Amira learns that Allah (SWT) has created each of us with our own unique strengths, and it is important to understand, appreciate, and respect our differences.

In the second lesson, Amin spends time with his all: the big house, latest sneakers, a butler, and everything money can buy. Amin finds himself yearning to have the same. But soon he learns that having all the material possessions in the world does not come without its challenges. Every circumstance comes with its own tests.