By Amin Aaser

[Teacher Training] Making the Model Muslim Classroom in America

Noor Kids is offering a new, first-of-its-kind teacher training program. To learn more about all of our events, download our 2017 Noor Kids Program Guide.

Event Title: Making the Model Muslim Classroom in America

Audience: Full-time and weekend Islamic school teachers; all experience levels welcome

Timing: 4 to 6 hours

Description: Professional development reimagined. This interactive workshop is an innovatively designed training in which teachers (a) learn educational theory in an approachable way, (b) engage in robust discussion about their own practice, and (c) gain firsthand experience applying new strategies that they can use in their own classrooms.

Pedagogical methods introduced in this session are modeled throughout the training. In addition, teachers will renew their motivation to facilitate Islamic education by understanding how they are an integral part of the identity development of Muslim children.


Modules & Learning Objectives:

Module One: Critical Thinking
> To understand that critical thinking is facilitated through curiosity, reflection, and judgment
> To realize the potential of critical thinking to (a) foster deeper learning, and (b) build confidence in students
> To learn practical ways teachers can incorporate critical thinking in their own classrooms

Module Two: Role Models
> To understand that role models can be used as a key instructional tool, and that there are two types of role models: personal (e.g. teachers, parents) and aspirational (e.g. prophets, celebrities, etc); each of these role models play different roles in instruction
> To understand that in order for a role model to be effective he/she must be relatable; that is, a role model must have feelings, desires, relationships, strengths, and weaknesses
> To provide practical strategies for teachers to: (a) practice being a role model for their students, and (b) utilize role models as an instructional tool

Module Three: Belonging & Agency
> To understand what belonging is, why it is important, and that it is a prerequisite for students to develop agency
>To understand that it is a teacher’s responsibility to cultivate a sense of belonging for their students in their classrooms, and further in their community and greater society as well
> To learn hands-on techniques that teachers can incorporate to foster belonging and agency in their own classrooms

Module Four: Islamic Education Improv
> To connect the preceding modules together
> To give teachers an opportunity to practice applying what they have learned, in order to facilitate transfer of learning
Want to learn more about our events? Download our 2017 Noor Kids Program's Guide and learn more.

