By Amin Aaser

Muslims are diverse. So is our food! #NoorKidsIftar



While the spiritual aspects of Ramadan can be challenging for children to grasp, food is something kids can touch and feel. As a result there are a many lessons that we can teach kids about Ramadan through food.

One of which, is the diversity within Islam. Muslims are not Egyptian, Pakistani, Nigerian, black or white. In fact, they are ALL of the above! But, while we may be different in our ethnic heritage, we all come together to worship Allah (SWT). Diversity is an important aspect of Muslim culture, and what better way to demonstrate this concept than food!   


We will be compiling kid-friendly recipes from around the world that you can make with your children. In doing so, you'll be able to spend quality time with children, while teaching an important lesson on Islamic diversity! 

How it works:

+ Post your kid-friendly dishes on Instagram between 7/13 - 7/19
+ Use hashtag #NoorKidsIftar and @noorkids
+ We'll contact you to get the recipe via email
+ A running list of all recipes (and who provided them) will be posted on our website and Facebook
(Don't have instagram? Post your picture and recipe on our Facebook page and we'll add it to the blog.)
(Instagram is private? Send me a note at and we'll be sure to get your recipe posted.)


Soo... to summarize:

This is what you've got to do: 

1. Make for with your kids! And take pictures :-)
2. Share your photos on Instagram (or Facebook) using #NoorKidsIftar and @noorkids
3. Read the recipes that have already been submitted!
Excited about this? We are too! :-)

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