03. Giving Thanks
Story 1: Turn Your Frown Upside Down
Summary: Amin starts his day excited only to have events turn around. He loses the homework he was proud of, spills his lunch, and loses the yo-yo Amira had given him to cheer him up. Overwhelmed by his tough day, Amin starts to cry, until Asad reminds him to think back and count the blessings he does have.
Story 2: Too Little Thanks
Summary: Shireen wants to give a Eid present to Amira and spends months growing and taking care of a pot of red daisies. But when she presents it, Amira is not thankful for the gift. Shireen spends the whole day sad and runs home crying. Her mother helps her to remember that instead of being sad, she should be thankful for those who helped her grow the flowers and to Allah (SWT) for providing her with all these blessings. She decides to pray to Allah after appreciating her blessings. At the end of the day, Amira comes by to apologize.